We're Different

Now you may wonder, what makes this PR agency different? A short answer: we make your brand shine so bright, putting you in the spotlight.

We Make Your Brand Shine
What We Do

More sales than you can handle

Amid a realm of assured deliveries, why should publicity be an exception? 9-Figure Media isn't merely creating ripples in the dynamic sea of public relations; it's heralding a formidable tsunami—a commitment to guaranteed PR services. This bold proposition is unsettling the traditional bedrock of the industry.

Increase website conversion

9Figure Media's assurance of guaranteed outcomes has swiftly attracted clients from over nine countries, serving diverse needs ranging from small startups to esteemed brands. The inclusion of logos from the world's premier news sites on your website assures customers that there's no superior destination. Elevate your presence by being showcased in leading publications such as Mashable, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Vogue, Elle, and more.

Own Search Results

The 2023 PR industry forecast reveals a remarkable trend: 70% of businesses gauge their PR success by the expansion of their customer base and conversion rates. Our high-quality backlinks from top publications not only enhance your ranking for lucrative keywords but also position our publicity strategy as the singular SEO approach that thrives in 2023

Our Style

Get On Forbes

9-Figure Media extends personalized services encompassing writing, editing, and crucial connections to ensure the publication of your piece in renowned outlets like Forbes and other global leaders.


As we progress deeper into the digital age, the distinctions between public relations and journalism continue to fade.

We aim to redefine the paradigm, not adapt to it. If we remain true to our course and continue to confound our critics, I am convinced the industry will gravitate towards us. Guaranteed publicity is not a distant utopia, it’s a reality we’re striving to mold

9-Figure Media’s promise of guaranteed results has, within a blink of an eye, lured clients from over nine countries, catering to an array of needs from tiny startups to huge brands.

It’s not about mere visibility anymore. It’s about ensuring your name appears in the right places, gains the attention of the right audience, and at the opportune moment. We deploy data to assure all three.

We stand by what we offer. Every brand has a unique story, and we ensure that it resonates. Our method may lean on data, but our goals are intrinsically people-focused. It’s about the right message reaching the right audience at the right time.

For businesses, brands and people worldwide, guaranteed results are a tantalizing proposition and our promise is backed by our famous money back guarantee. 

Get These Logos On Your Website

Real Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it, see what our clients say about our PR agency.

"Our Lead Volume Has Tripled"

Since using 9-Figure Media, our lead volume has more than tripled. Makes a big difference when your start-up can boast that you’ve appeared on Bloomberg, Business Insider, Apple News & MarketWatch. Has helped new customers trust us in an extremely competitive market.

- Marti Mongiello, Owner, Inn of The Patriots & US Presidential Service Center

How Will My Stories Be Written

The Influence of Inquiry

Every narrative we craft emerges from a question that eludes a straightforward answer. In a field often perceived as the opposite of public relations, journalism seems to have discovered an unconventional supporter in 9-Figure Media. The essence of a compelling news story lies in the curiosity propelling it forward. In our endeavors, we frequently commence with 'Why?' or 'How?' These inquiries steer our methodology and mold our approaches.

Shaping the Storyline

It commences by grasping the audience, delving into their concerns and context. The 2023 Reuters Institute Digital News Report highlights that 58% of readers favor news stories that not only provide information but also provoke thought. Relevance is pivotal. A compelling story establishes a connection with its audience on an emotional, intellectual, or personal level. Whether in PR or journalism, our role as communicators is to forge these meaningful connections.

Own Search Results

The 2023 PR industry forecast highlights an intriguing pattern: 70% of businesses measure their PR success based on the growth of their customer base and conversion rates. Our top-tier backlinks from reputable publications not only elevate your ranking for profitable keywords but also establish our publicity strategy as the sole SEO approach flourishing in 2023.

A PR Agency Unlike Any Other

Global Client Base

3 Immediate Benefits

Get Ranked on Google

Achieve a page 1 ranking on Google by leveraging the influence of high domain authority links that swiftly emerge when searching for your business. Upon publication, Google will index the backlinks from the articles, enhancing your overall SEO ranking.

Establishing trust and credibility.

The statement “Featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur.com, Bloomberg & Associated Press” holds more influence than one might realize. It serves as a compelling factor to persuade customers that your product or service is reputable and renowned, significantly increasing the likelihood of converting a higher proportion of prospects into sales

Online presence and digital footprint.

Take control of your online image on Google. Our articles provide you with the opportunity to showcase to potential clients that you are noteworthy, having garnered write-ups and news coverage from reputable global news sites. This significantly contributes to the process of successfully closing deals.

What sucсess looks like

Pioneered the growth of our business awards program, achieving $60 million in top-line revenue within a span of 2 years. The endorsement from prominent platforms like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Mashable, The Guardian, Bloomberg, and Yahoo Finance instilled the trust necessary for new customers to confidently join us. When it comes to essential hacks, look no further than 9-Figure Media – the indispensable tool for success, surpassing even ChatGPT."