How To Get Featured On Fast Company Magazine : Expert Guide 2024

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Fast Company Magazine has become a leading source of innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship content, significantly drawing the attention of businesses and individuals looking to gain media exposure. What is Fast Company, and why should you aim to be featured in Fast Company magazine? This comprehensive guide outlines the process for securing a feature, explains its significance for your brand, and shares best practices to help you stand out in 2024. From crafting the ideal pitch to amplifying your feature, we cover everything you need.

Let’s dive in!

What Is Fast Company Magazine?

Fast Company is a prominent business magazine that covers the latest in innovation, technology, and leadership. Specifically founded in 1995, the magazine focuses on topics such as creative breakthroughs, cutting-edge business strategies, and transformative leadership. It has a reputation for significantly highlighting companies and individuals who are shaping the future of business and society.

In addition, for anyone asking, “what is Fast Company?” or “what is Fast Company magazine?”, it’s a publication that reaches millions of readers, providing valuable insights and inspiration for entrepreneurs, executives, and innovators. Subsequently, Fast Company is not just about business news—it’s about showcasing leaders who are making a real impact on the world through innovation and forward-thinking.

What Is Fast Company Magazine?

Surprisingly, Fast Company magazine is more than just a media outlet. Fast Company serves as a platform for thought leadership, allowing businesses to gain recognition on a global stage. Securing a feature in Fast Company can transform your brand by providing:

  • Increased credibility: A feature in Fast Company business magazine signals to potential clients and partners that your brand is a leader in its field.
  • Wider audience reach: Fast Company’s global readership includes top executives, decision-makers, and industry influencers. Showcasing your brand here puts your name in front of key individuals who matter.
  • Brand authority: Featuring your brand alongside other industry innovators positions you as a forward-thinking leader.
  • New business opportunities: Media exposure can open doors to new partnerships, collaborations, and even funding opportunities.

In summary, if you aim to dominate your industry or amplify your voice in influential spaces, Fast Company is the ideal platform.

Understanding What Fast Company Magazine Looks for in a Feature

Now that we’ve answered what is Fast Company magazine, let’s dive into what they’re looking for in the stories they feature. Fast Company loves stories that challenge the status quo. It’s all about innovation, disruption, and making an impact. Whether you’re a startup founder or a seasoned business leader, Fast Company magazine articles aim to inspire their readers with stories that reflect:

  • Innovation: Subsequently, whether you’re leveraging technology or introducing a novel solution to an age-old problem, innovation is at the heart of Fast Company’s content.
  • Leadership: Fast Company values stories of leaders who are not just steering their businesses, but are obviously driving change in their industries.
  • Social impact: The magazine loves stories of companies making a significant difference—whether through sustainable practices, community involvement, or ethical leadership.

For e.g. Fast Company highlights three traits of effective leaders: visionary leadership, empathy, and the ability to build strong, collaborative teams. If your business aligns with these values, you are one step closer to securing a feature.

Crafting a Story That Stands Out In Fast Company Magazine

Understanding What Fast Company Magazine Looks for in a Feature

To secure a feature in Fast Company Inc. magazine, you need more than a good product or service; you must present a compelling story that captures attention and aligns with the publication’s focus. Here’s how to craft a narrative that empathically makes your business stand out:

1. Identify Your Core Message

Firstly, what is the one thing that sets your company apart from competitors? Your core message should focus on this unique value. Ask yourself:

  • What problem are you solving in the market?
  • How are you innovating within your industry?
  • What impact is your business having on your customers, community, or industry?

2. Build a Narrative Around Innovation and Leadership

Secondly, Fast Company loves stories of transformation and leadership. Build your narrative around how your company is driving change, pushing boundaries, and leading with vision. Use data, case studies, and real-world examples to showcase how you’re solving real problems or meeting a need in a novel way.

3. Include a Social Impact Angle

Thirdly, Fast Company magazine articles often highlight businesses that are doing more than just making a profit—they’re making a difference. Think about how your company is contributing to society. Do you have sustainability initiatives? Are you fostering diversity in your workplace? Incorporating a social impact angle can strengthen your story and make it more appealing to Fast Company editors.

How to Perfect Your Pitch to Fast Company Magazine Editors

Regardless, pitching to Fast Company isn’t just about having a great story—it’s also about presenting it in the right way. Here’s how to craft the perfect pitch:

1. Research the Right Editors and Contributors

Simultaneously, Fast Company has different sections, such as Leadership, Technology, and Creativity. Start by identifying which section is the best fit for your story. Then, research the editors or contributors who cover that beat. It’s essential to personalize your pitch to the right person to increase your chances of getting noticed.

2. Craft a Compelling Subject Line and Introduction (Fast Company Magazine)

Thus, the subject line of your email is the first thing editors will see, so make it count so much. Similarly, keep it concise but also so intriguing, like:

  • “How [Your Business] Is Revolutionizing [Your Industry] with Innovation”
  • “The Next Big Thing in [Industry]: Why [Your Business] Is Leading the Charge”

In your introduction, get straight to the point. Moreover most editors don’t have time for fluff, so hook them with a compelling angle right away. For e.g. if your business aligns with the Fastcompany 3 traits of ‘good bosses,’ lead with how your leadership approach makes your company significantly stand out.

3. Structure Your Pitch to Highlight Value

Subsequently, your pitch should be structured to show why your story is relevant to Fast Company’s audience. Include:

  • A brief introduction of who you are and your business
  • A concise summary of your story idea
  • Why your story matters now (timeliness is key)
  • Data or real-world results to back up your claims

4. Provide Visuals and Supporting Materials

If applicable, include visuals, case studies, or a Fast Company magazine media kit to significantly enhance your pitch. High-quality visuals can significantly make a huge difference, especially when editors are deciding whether to feature your story in print or online.

5. Follow Up Politely

Subsequently, editors are busy, so if you don’t hear back right away, don’t be discouraged. All in all a polite follow-up email a week or two after your initial pitch can keep you top of mind. Keep it short, professional, and respectful of their time.

5. Follow Up Politely:

Leveraging PR Agencies and Media Professionals

If you find the pitching process rather daunting, you might consider working with a reputable PR agency. A good PR firm can significantly increase your chances of getting featured in Fast Company Inc magazine by leveraging their relationships with media outlets. Here’s how a PR agency can help:

  • Tailored pitching: PR professionals know how to craft pitches that undoubtedly resonate with specific editors at Fast Company.
  • Media connections: Established PR agencies often have connections within the Fast Company network, which can give you a significant advantage when pitching.
  • Story development: A PR firm can help you refine your story to make it more appealing to media outlets.

However, all in all if you’re on a tight budget, you can still DIY your PR efforts with the tips mentioned earlier.

Using Thought Leadership to Build Your Media Presence

Also another way to get noticed by Fast Company is by basically positioning yourself as a thought leader. Thought leadership significantly demonstrates your expertise and influence in your industry, making it more likely for media outlets like Fast Company to take notice.

Using Thought Leadership to Build Your Media Presence: Fast Company Magazine

Here’s how to build your thought leadership presence:

1. Publish Guest Articles on Industry Platforms

First, start by contributing articles to platforms like Medium, LinkedIn, or smaller industry publications. Write about industry trends, share insights, and offer solutions to common challenges. Over time, this positions you as an expert and can attract the attention of major outlets like Fast Company.

2. Be Active on Social Media

Secondly, use platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to share your thoughts on industry news and trends. Engage with other thought leaders and media professionals in your space. The more visible and engaged you are, the more likely it is that a publication like Fast Company will notice you.

3. Speak at Industry Events

Thirdly, speaking at conferences or participating in panels can undoubtedly boost your visibility. Media outlets often cover major industry events, and being a speaker can increase your chances of getting noticed by journalists.

Amplifying Your Feature for Maximum Impact: Fast Company Magazine

Amplifying Your Feature for Maximum Impact: Fast Company Magazine

Finally, once you’ve been featured in Fast Company, it’s essential to leverage that exposure to maximize its impact. Here’s how:

1. Promote on Social Media

By all means share the article across all your social media channels. Use engaging visuals and a compelling call to action to encourage your followers to read and share the feature.

2. Use the Feature in Your Marketing Materials

Include the Fast Company logo and link to the article in your marketing materials, website, and email signature. This adds credibility to your brand and shows potential clients or partners that you’ve been significantly recognized by a leading publication.

3. Repurpose the Content

Repurpose the content from the feature into blog posts, videos, or even a podcast episode. You can also create case studies or testimonials based on the article to use in future PR or marketing efforts.

Why Every Brand or Entrepreneur Should Partner with 9-Figure Media to Get Featured in Fast Company Magazine

At 9-Figure Media, we understand the importance of powerful media exposure, and our expertise lies in getting brands and entrepreneurs featured in top-tier publications like Fast Company. With guaranteed publicity on major outlets such as Forbes, Bloomberg, Business Insider, and now Fast Company magazine, we are the trusted partner for businesses aiming to elevate their brand presence and thought leadership.

Why Every Brand or Entrepreneur Should Partner with 9-Figure Media to Get Featured in Fast Company Magazine

Here’s why partnering with 9-Figure Media is the smart choice:

  • Guaranteed Results: We have a proven track record of securing media placements in Fast Company and other prestigious outlets. With us, you can be confident that your brand will get the exposure it deserves.
  • Tailored Strategy: We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our team of PR experts will work closely with you to develop a personalized media strategy that aligns with your business goals and showcases your unique story.
  • Deep Media Connections: With established relationships with editors and journalists at Fast Company and other top publications, we know exactly what it takes to get your brand in front of the right people.
  • End-to-End Service: From crafting compelling narratives to amplifying your feature across platforms, we handle every step of the process to ensure maximum visibility and impact for your brand.
  • Expert Positioning: We don’t just pitch stories; we position you as an industry thought leader, making your business more attractive to media outlets like Fast Company, where innovation and leadership are key.

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level and get featured in Fast Company Inc magazine, 9-Figure Media is your go-to partner for guaranteed results and media success.

Conclusion: Fast Company Magazine

Getting featured in Fast Company magazine is a powerful way to build brand authority, increase visibility, and open doors to new opportunities. But it doesn’t happen by chance—it requires a strategic approach, from crafting a compelling narrative to pitching the right editors and amplifying your feature for maximum impact.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to landing a feature in Fast Company and positioning your business as a leader in innovation and thought leadership in 2024.

Conclusion: Fast Company Magazine

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