How to Get Featured in Forbes: Your Ultimate Guide 2024

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Being featured in Forbes is a dream for many entrepreneurs, professionals, and rising stars. The credibility that comes with appearing on the cover of Forbes magazine, being listed on the Forbes 30 under 30, or contributing a Forbes guest post can have a monumental impact on your business and personal brand. However, getting published or featured in Forbes requires a strategic approach. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about how to get published in Forbes, whether it’s writing for Forbes as a contributor, getting featured in an article, or making your mark on the Forbes 30 list.

What Is Forbes?

Forbes is one of the world’s leading business media brands, known for its in-depth reporting on entrepreneurship, finance, leadership, innovation, technology, and lifestyle. Established in 1917, Forbes has evolved into a multimedia platform that includes a magazine, website, and digital platforms. It’s a powerful platform for those who want to establish credibility, attract clients, and build their personal brands.

Why Getting Featured in Forbes Matters

Appearing on the cover of Forbes magazine or getting an article in Forbes can do wonders for your career. Here’s why:

  • Credibility: Forbes is known for its high editorial standards and rigorous selection process, making any feature or mention carry weight.
  • Visibility: Forbes’ global readership allows you to gain exposure among millions of professionals, business leaders, and influencers.
  • Networking: Many people included in Forbes articles are leaders in their industries, giving you an opportunity to connect with top-tier professionals.
  • Prestige: Being associated with a prestigious name like Forbes opens up doors to new business opportunities, partnerships, and even investment prospects.

How to Get Featured in Forbes

There are multiple ways to get featured in Forbes magazine, from contributing articles to being highlighted in special lists like the Forbes 30 under 30. Here are the best methods:

1. Get Published in Forbes as a Contributor

One of the most common ways to get your work into Forbes is by becoming a Forbes contributor. Contributors write for Forbes on a regular basis, covering specific industries such as technology, business, or leadership. Here’s how to become a Forbes contributor:

  • Know the Contributor Guidelines: First, familiarize yourself with the Forbes contributor guidelines. Forbes expects contributors to provide original content with strong insights and value to its readers.
  • Pitch the Right Way: When pitching to become a contributor, focus on your unique perspective. Your pitch should demonstrate why you’re an authority in your field and what value you can bring to Forbes’ audience.
  • Leverage Connections: If you know any existing Forbes contributors, editors, or industry leaders who have been featured in Forbes, ask for an introduction or recommendation.
  • Prepare for Rejection: Forbes is selective, and it may take several attempts before your pitch is accepted. Keep refining your ideas and pitches to increase your chances.

Get Featured in Forbes

2. Be Featured in a Forbes Article

If writing isn’t your strong suit, you can also get featured in an article written by a Forbes magazine writer. Here’s how to  without becoming a contributor:

  • Engage with Journalists: Many Forbes magazine writers and contributors actively seek sources for their stories. Engage with them on social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn, or respond to calls for sources through services like HARO (Help A Reporter Out).
  • Provide Expertise: When pitching yourself as a source, be sure to highlight your expertise and how your insights align with current business trends.
  • Build a Strong Brand: Having an online presence that clearly showcases your expertise is crucial. Journalists often search for industry experts online, so make sure your website and social media profiles reflect your get featured on Forbes knowledge and credibility.
  • Press Releases: Crafting an engaging press release that highlights why you or your business would make for a compelling Forbes story is another strategy. Ensure your press release speaks directly to Forbes’ audience.

Get Featured in Forbes

3. Get on the Cover of Forbes

Landing on the cover of Forbes magazine is reserved for those who have made a substantial impact in their field. While rare, being on the Forbes cover can elevate your career to the next level. Here’s what it takes:

  • Create Impactful Work: Forbes typically features business leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators who have demonstrated significant achievements. If you’re aiming for the cover, you need a story that is not only newsworthy but groundbreaking.
  • Connect with PR Agencies: Professional public relations firms that specialize in securing media placements can significantly increase your chances of getting on the cover of Forbes. They have the relationships and know-how to craft the perfect pitch.
  • Be on Top Lists: Appearing on Forbes’ many top lists, such as the Forbes 30 under 30, increases your chances of being noticed for a future cover feature. More on how to get on these lists below.

Get Featured in Forbes

4. Make the Forbes 30 Under 30 List

The Forbes 30 under 30 is one of Forbes’ most prestigious lists, recognizing young innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders across various industries. To make the Forbes 30 list, follow these steps:

  • Nominate Yourself or Be Nominated: Forbes accepts both self-nominations and nominations from others. The application typically opens once a year, and you’ll need to provide detailed information about your career, achievements, and future goals.
  • Highlight Innovation: Forbes is looking for individuals who are pushing boundaries in their respective fields. Focus on how your work is innovative and the impact it has had on your industry.
  • Show Leadership: The 30 under 30 list is reserved for those demonstrating leadership in their profession or community. Include examples of leadership and influence in your nomination.
  • Network with Previous Honorees: Networking with those who have made the Forbes 30 under 30 list in previous years can give you valuable insights into the nomination process.

Get Featured in Forbes

5. Subscribe to Forbes Magazine and Stay Informed

Staying informed about Forbes’ content is essential if you’re aiming to get featured or published. You can subscribe to Forbes magazine to stay on top of the latest trends, feature stories, and opportunities for contributors. Forbes also offers digital subscriptions, giving you access to its vast archive of business articles and interviews.

Writing for Forbes: Insider Tips for Success

Writing for Forbes can be a powerful tool for establishing thought leadership and boosting your credibility. Here’s how to excel as a Forbes contributor:

1. Write with Authority

Forbes readers expect well-researched, insightful articles. When contributing to Forbes, make sure your articles are backed by data, case studies, and expert opinions.

2. Stay on Brand

Forbes has a specific voice that reflects authority, professionalism, and insight. Ensure your content aligns with Forbes’ brand voice, which typically emphasizes entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation.

3. Leverage SEO

Using keywords like “how to get published in Forbes” or “Forbes guest post” strategically in your articles can help your content rank higher on search engines, attracting more readers and potentially getting noticed by the editorial team.

Get Featured in Forbes

9-Figure Media: Your Gateway to Getting Featured in Forbes

If you’re an entrepreneur or brand serious about getting featured in Forbes, working with a trusted PR agency can be a game-changer. 9-Figure Media PR Agency specializes in securing guaranteed features in major outlets like Forbes, helping clients build a powerful public presence.

Why Choose 9-Figure Media PR Agency?

  1. Guaranteed Placement: Unlike many agencies that promise media coverage but fail to deliver, 9-Figure Media guarantees that you will be featured in reputable news outlets like Forbes. This level of assurance takes the stress and uncertainty out of the process.
  2. Strong Media Connections: 9-Figure Media has established relationships with Forbes magazine writers, editors, and contributors, ensuring that your story reaches the right people who can make an impact.
  3. Tailored PR Strategy: Every entrepreneur and brand is unique, and 9-Figure Media offers customized PR campaigns tailored to your industry, target audience, and personal brand. Their team understands the Forbes editorial tone, helping to craft compelling pitches that resonate with Forbes editors and readers.
  4. Comprehensive Media Coverage: Aside from Forbes, 9-Figure Media secures placements in other top-tier outlets like Business Insider, Bloomberg, Entrepreneur, and more. This diversified approach amplifies your credibility and ensures widespread visibility.
  5. Expert Storytelling: Crafting a compelling narrative is crucial to getting featured in Forbes. 9-Figure Media specializes in the art of storytelling, ensuring your brand’s message is clear, powerful, and resonates with Forbes’ audience.

Get Featured in Forbes

Success Stories with 9-Figure Media

Many entrepreneurs, startups, and established brands have successfully gotten featured on Forbes through 9-Figure Media. Whether it’s through a spotlight article, a Forbes 30 under 30 nomination, or landing on the cover of Forbes magazine, 9-Figure Media’s results speak for themselves.

Working with a PR agency like 9-Figure Media not only saves you time but also boosts your chances of getting featured. Instead of navigating the competitive world of PR on your own, let the experts at 9-Figure Media guide you to success.

Get Featured in Forbes

How to Contact Forbes

If you’re serious about getting featured in Forbes, knowing how to contact the editorial staff is essential. Here are a few tips:

  • Use the Forbes Contact Page: Forbes provides contact information for editorial inquiries, subscription questions, and advertising opportunities on its website.
  • Reach out to Journalists on Social Media: Many Forbes contributors are active on social media, especially Twitter. Engaging with them can help you build a rapport and increase your chances of being featured.
  • Email Pitch: Send a concise email pitch directly to Forbes writers or editors, outlining why your story would resonate with their audience.


Getting featured in Forbes magazine or becoming a Forbes contributor is a game-changer for entrepreneurs, professionals, and thought leaders. While the process can be challenging, the rewards—credibility, visibility, and prestige—are well worth the effort. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can increase your chances of being published or featured in Forbes.

For those looking to fast-track their journey, partnering with a seasoned PR agency like 9-Figure Media can provide the expertise, connections, and strategies you need to secure a guaranteed Forbes feature. Don’t leave your media success to chance—work with the experts who know how to get the job done.

Get Featured in Forbes


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