How to Get Featured in Inc Magazine: Comprehensive Guide

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Estimated reading time: 17 minutes

Ever dreamed of seeing your company’s name splashed across the pages of Inc. Magazine? You’re not alone! As an entrepreneur, getting featured in Inc. is like winning the business visibility lottery. It’s a game-changer that can skyrocket your brand’s credibility and open doors you never knew existed.

But here’s the kicker: landing a spot in Inc. Magazine isn’t just about luck. It’s about strategy, persistence, and knowing the ins and outs of this prestigious publication. So, buckle up, fellow dreamers and doers! We’re about to embark on a journey that could transform your business’s trajectory.

Did you know that being featured in Inc. can boost your website traffic by up to 300%? That’s right, folks! It’s not just about bragging rights (though those are pretty sweet too). It’s about real, tangible benefits for your business.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through seven proven strategies to increase your chances of gracing the pages of Inc. Magazine in 2024. Whether you’re aiming to contribute to or land a spot in the print edition, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work on making your Inc. feature a reality!

Table of contents

Before we dive into the how-to’s, let’s take a moment to appreciate what Inc. Magazine really is and why it matters so much in the business world.

Inc. Magazine has been the go-to publication for entrepreneurs and business leaders since 1979. That’s over four decades of spotlighting innovative companies, sharing game-changing strategies, and setting the tone for what it means to be successful in business.

With a monthly readership of over 1.4 million, Inc. isn’t just any old business mag. It’s the holy grail of entrepreneurial publications. Its audience? A who’s who of decision-makers, industry leaders, and up-and-coming innovators. Getting featured here isn’t just good PR – it’s like receiving a stamp of approval from the entrepreneurial gods themselves.

But here’s what really sets Inc. apart: its focus on growth and innovation. While other business publications might get bogged down in corporate jargon, Inc. celebrates the scrappy startups, the bold risk-takers, and the companies that are truly changing the game.

So, when you’re featured in Inc., you’re not just getting exposure. You’re joining an elite club of businesses that are making waves and shaping the future. And trust me, that association alone can open doors you never even knew existed.

Building and Maintaining a Strong Reputation

Crafting a Compelling Story Worth Featuring in Inc. Magazine

Now that we understand why Inc. Magazine matters, let’s talk about what matters to Inc. Spoiler alert: it’s all about your story.

Remember, Inc. isn’t looking for run-of-the-mill business news. They want stories that inspire, innovate, and ignite change. So, how do you craft a narrative that’ll make Inc.’s editors sit up and take notice? Let’s break it down:

Identify What Makes Your Story Unique and Newsworthy

What makes your business different? Maybe you’ve developed a revolutionary product, or perhaps your company culture is redefining work-life balance. Dig deep and find that special sauce that sets you apart.

2. Align with Inc.’s Themes

Inc. loves stories about rapid growth, innovative solutions to big problems, and entrepreneurs who’ve overcome significant challenges. Does your story fit into one of these categories? If so, you’re on the right track.

Is your story connected to current business trends or societal shifts? Inc. is always looking for content that feels fresh and timely. If you can link your story to what’s happening in the wider world, you’ll have a better shot at catching their eye.

Instead of just saying your company is innovative, show how your innovation has impacted real people or solved real problems. Use specific examples, data, and anecdotes to bring your story to life.

5. Be Authentic

Yes, you want to impress, but don’t lose your authenticity in the process. Inc. values genuine stories of both triumphs and challenges. Don’t be afraid to share the bumps along your journey – they make your success all the more compelling.

Remember, crafting your story isn’t just about what you say – it’s about how you say it. Keep it concise, engaging, and always focused on the value you’re bringing to your industry or to society at large.

5. Be Authentic

Navigating the Path to Become a Contributor to

Now, let’s talk about a fantastic way to get your foot in the Inc. door: becoming a contributor to This online platform is a goldmine of opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to share their expertise and build their personal brand.

First things first, understand that and the print magazine are two different beasts. While the print magazine is curated entirely by Inc.’s editorial team, offers opportunities for external contributors to share their insights.

So, how do you become one of these coveted contributors? Here’s your roadmap:

1. Study’s Content

Before you even think about pitching, spend some time reading Get a feel for their style, the topics they cover, and the type of content that performs well.

2. Develop Your Unique Voice isn’t looking for generic business advice. They want fresh perspectives and original insights. What unique experiences or viewpoints can you bring to the table?

3. Prepare Your Pitch

Craft a compelling pitch that outlines your proposed topic, why it matters to Inc.’s audience, and why you’re the perfect person to write about it. Keep it concise, but make sure it packs a punch.

4. Follow the Guidelines has specific guidelines for contributors. Make sure you read and follow these to the letter. Attention to detail matters!

5. Build Relationships

If possible, try to connect with current Inc. contributors or editors on social media. Engage with their content and start building genuine relationships.

6. Be Patient and Persistent

Getting accepted as a contributor might not happen overnight. If your first pitch is rejected, don’t give up. Learn from the feedback and try again.

Remember, becoming a contributor to isn’t just about getting your name out there. It’s about providing real value to Inc.’s audience. Focus on sharing insights that can truly help other entrepreneurs, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a valued member of the Inc. community.

Alright, let’s talk about the holy grail: getting featured in the print edition of Inc. Magazine. This is where the big dogs play, and where your story can reach millions of readers. But here’s the truth: pitching to Inc. is an art form. Let’s break down how to master it:

Mastering the Art of Pitching to Get Featured in Inc. Magazine

1. Do Your Homework

Before you pitch, research Inc.’s editorial calendar. What themes are they focusing on in upcoming issues? How can your story fit into these themes?

2. Craft an Irresistible Subject Line

Your email subject line is your first (and sometimes only) chance to grab an editor’s attention. Make it count! Be specific, intriguing, and avoid clickbait tactics.

3. Keep it Concise

Editors are busy people. Get to the point quickly. Outline your story idea in a few punchy paragraphs. Why is it newsworthy? Why is it perfect for Inc.?

4. Show Why You’re the Perfect Fit

Demonstrate your credibility. Have you achieved significant growth? Won awards? Disrupted your industry? Don’t be shy – this is your time to shine!

5. Provide Supporting Materials

Offer additional resources like data, images, or even video content. Make the editor’s job easier by providing everything they might need to run with your story.

6. Follow Up (But Don’t Be a Pest)

If you don’t hear back within a week or two, a polite follow-up is okay. But remember, there’s a fine line between persistent and annoying. One follow-up is usually enough.

7. Be Open to Feedback

If an editor responds with suggestions or requests for changes, be open and flexible. This is a good sign – it means they’re interested!

Remember, pitching is a numbers game. You might not get a “yes” on your first try, or even your fifth. But each pitch is a learning experience. Refine your approach, keep putting yourself out there, and eventually, you’ll break through.

Here’s a little secret: sometimes, it’s not just what you know, but who you know. Networking and smart PR strategies can be your secret weapons in the quest to get featured in Inc. Let’s explore how to leverage these tools:

1. Tap Into Your Professional Network

Do you know anyone who’s been featured in Inc. before? Or perhaps someone who knows an Inc. editor? Don’t be shy about reaching out. A warm introduction can go a long way.

2. Attend Industry Events

Inc. editors and writers often attend major business conferences and events. These can be golden opportunities to make connections. Just remember, be genuine in your interactions – no one likes a hard sell.

3. Consider Hiring a PR Firm

If you have the budget, a PR firm with experience in landing Inc. features can be a game-changer. They often have established relationships with editors and know exactly what kind of pitches work.

4. Engage on Social Media

Follow Inc. editors and writers on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. Engage with their content meaningfully. Build a relationship before you pitch.

5. Create Newsworthy Moments

PR isn’t just about pitching – it’s about creating stories worth covering. Launch a innovative product, hit a major milestone, or take a stand on an industry issue. Give Inc. a reason to write about you.

6. Be a Source

Platforms like HARO (Help a Reporter Out) connect journalists with expert sources. By consistently providing valuable insights, you might catch the eye of an Inc. writer.

Remember, building relationships takes time. Don’t expect overnight results. Instead, focus on consistently providing value and building genuine connections in your industry. The Inc. Magazine feature will be the cherry on top of the strong network you build.

Let’s face it: Inc. Magazine isn’t interested in run-of-the-mill businesses. They’re looking for the movers, the shakers, the companies that are truly making waves. So, how do you become one of those buzz-worthy businesses that Inc. can’t ignore? Let’s dive in:

Creating Buzz-Worthy Content and Achievements to Get Featured in Inc. Magazine

Inc. loves featuring companies that are pushing boundaries. Are you developing a product that could revolutionize your industry? Or perhaps you’ve found an innovative solution to a common problem? These are the kinds of achievements that get Inc.’s attention.

Inc. Magazine is famous for its Inc. 5000 list, which celebrates the fastest-growing private companies in America. Even if you’re not quite at that level yet, significant growth can make for a compelling story. Document your journey and the strategies that led to your success.

In today’s world, businesses that make a positive social or environmental impact stand out. Are you implementing sustainable practices? Supporting important causes? These efforts not only make the world better but can also make your company more newsworthy.

Inc. loves a good David vs. Goliath story. If you’re a small company taking on industry giants or challenging the status quo, you’ve got a narrative that Inc. might find irresistible.

Did you just hit your millionth customer? Expand to a new continent? Secure a game-changing partnership? These milestones can be the hook for an Inc. feature.

Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Speak at conferences, publish insightful articles, or release groundbreaking research. The more you’re seen as an expert, the more likely Inc. Magazine is to take notice.

7. Create Compelling Content

Start a podcast, write a book, or create a viral social media campaign. The more buzz you generate on your own, the more likely you are to catch Inc.’s eye.

Remember, becoming buzz-worthy isn’t about chasing trends or creating hype for the sake of it. It’s about genuinely pushing your business to new heights and not being afraid to share your journey along the way. Keep innovating, keep growing, and keep making noise – Inc. will hear you eventually!

Maximizing Your Inc. Magazine Feature Once You’re In

Congratulations! You’ve done it. You’ve landed that coveted spot in Inc. Magazine. Pop the champagne, do a happy dance, and then… get ready to work. Because getting featured is just the beginning. Now it’s time to maximize that exposure and turn it into long-term benefits for your business.

As soon as your feature is published, share it across all your social media channels. But don’t just post a link – tell the story behind the story. What did it mean to you to be featured? What was the journey like?

Add an “As Seen In” section to your website, prominently featuring the Inc. logo. This adds instant credibility to your brand.

Send an email to your customers, partners, and investors sharing the news. This isn’t just bragging – it’s reassuring them that they’re associated with a recognized, successful company.

4. Create Additional Content

Use your Inc. feature as a springboard for creating more content. Write a blog post expanding on the topics discussed in the article. Create a video thanking your team and customers for making it possible.

5. Leverage for PR Opportunities

Your Inc. feature can open doors to other media opportunities. Reach out to local news outlets or industry publications – they might be interested in expanding on your Inc. story.

6. Use in Your Marketing Materials

Incorporate mentions of your Inc. feature in your email signatures, business cards, and marketing brochures. It’s a powerful trust signal for potential clients or partners.

7. Engage with the Inc. Community

Now that you’re “in the club,” engage with other Inc. featured companies and contributors. This can lead to valuable partnerships and continued exposure.

8. Plan for the Future

Use this momentum to plan your next big move. How can you build on this success to create an even bigger story for Inc. to cover in the future?

Remember, a feature in Inc. Magazine is not the finish line – it’s a launching pad. Use it wisely, and it could be the catalyst that takes your business to the next level.

Now that we’ve covered the strategies for getting featured in Inc. Magazine, let’s talk about a game-changing shortcut: partnering with 9-Figure Media PR Agency. If you’re serious about landing that coveted Inc. feature and want to maximize your chances of success, this is an option you can’t afford to overlook.

So, why should every entrepreneur and brand consider 9-Figure Media PR Agency for their Inc. Magazine aspirations? Let’s break it down:

9-Figure Media PR Agency doesn’t just promise to try – we guarantee results. When you work with us, getting featured in Inc. Magazine isn’t a matter of if, but when. That level of certainty is rare in the PR world and can be a game-changer for your business.

We have cultivated strong relationships with Inc. Magazine’s editorial staff over years of successful placements. These connections can fast-track your feature, bypassing the slush pile of pitches that flood Inc.’s inbox daily.

Remember when we talked about crafting a compelling story? We  at 9-Figure Media are masters at identifying the most newsworthy angles of your business and presenting them in a way that resonates with Inc.’s editors and readers.

Let’s face it – the process of landing an Inc. feature can be time-consuming and often frustrating. By partnering with 9-Figure Media, you can focus on running your business while we handle the intricacies of media outreach and follow-ups.

While getting featured in Inc. is fantastic, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. 9-Figure Media can help you leverage your Inc. feature as part of a broader PR strategy, maximizing its impact and opening doors to even more media opportunities.

6. Tailored Approach 

Every business is unique, and 9-Figure Media understands this. We don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we craft a customized strategy that aligns with your brand’s voice, goals, and target audience.

Don’t just take our word for it – 9-Figure Media has a proven track record of getting clients featured not just in Inc., but in other top-tier publications as well. Our portfolio of success stories speaks volumes about their capabilities.

Check out our Case Studies

8. Ongoing Support 

Your relationship with 9-Figure Media doesn’t end once you’re featured in Inc. We provide ongoing support to help you maximize the impact of your feature and continue building your media presence.

9. ROI-Focused 

At the end of the day, PR is an investment. 9-Figure Media understands this and focuses on generating real, measurable returns for your business. An Inc. feature secured through our services isn’t just a vanity metric – it’s a powerful tool for driving growth and success.

When you’re aiming for the stars – or in this case, the pages of Inc. Magazine – why leave anything to chance? With 9-Figure Media PR Agency, you’re not just hoping for a feature; you’re planning for it. Our expertise, connections, and guaranteed results make us the secret weapon every ambitious entrepreneur needs in their arsenal.

Remember, in the dynamic world of business, timing is everything. The sooner you get featured in Inc., the sooner you can start reaping the benefits. So why wait? Reach out to 9-Figure Media PR Agency today and take the first step towards seeing your name in Inc. Magazine. Your future self (and your business) will thank you!

In Conclusion: Your Inc. Magaine Journey Starts Now

There you have it, future Inc. Magazine stars! Your comprehensive guide to getting featured in one of the most prestigious business publications out there. From crafting your unique story to leveraging your Inc. Magazine feature for long-term success, we’ve covered all the bases.

Remember, getting featured in Inc. Magazine isn’t just about bragging rights (although those are pretty sweet). It’s about gaining credibility, expanding your reach, and opening doors to opportunities you might never have imagined.

Whether you choose to navigate the process on your own or partner with experts like 9-Figure Media PR Agency, the key is to take action. Your business should be Inc. Magazine-worthy long before you pitch them. Focus on innovation, growth, and making a real impact in your industry. The Inc. Magazine feature will be a natural result of your hard work and success.

So, what are you waiting for? Start refining your story, building those relationships, and creating buzz-worthy achievements. Your Inc. feature is out there, waiting for you to claim it.

Who knows? Maybe next year, it’ll be your face gracing the cover of Inc. Magazine, inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs. Now wouldn’t that be something?

Get out there and make it happen. We can’t wait to read your Inc. Magazine story!

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